becoming better humans to other humans
mural by @zada_gallery | Denver, CO
“The work of anti-racism is becoming a better human to other humans” -Austin Channing on Brene Brown’s podcast, Unlocking Us.
Also notable: Austin Channing asks the question, “have you built the capacity to care more about others than you care about your own ego?
Will you choose to protect someone else over protecting your own ego?“
Further discussed: as humans, we mess up. Which got me reflecting upon how there’s actually no “right” way in creating the impactful change our country so desperately needs in the fight for racial justice.
A lot of us white people have been digging deeper and finding out: we messed up. A lot. Big time. And we keep messing up in trying to figure out how to make things right. dismantling white supremacy is HARD. And complex. We’ve got to consider letting go of what’s “right” and be okay with doing better. I’ve caught myself admiring organizations or individuals because “they are doing it right”…but what I think I've been meaning to say is because “they are doing it better.”
I’ve had various conversations with white friends that have led to sharing the gross feeling of “waking up late” to the realization of the massive amount of racial inequality, racial violence, and racial trauma that exists in our present day. To that, I’m reminding myself and those who need this: honor where you’re at, but also stay focused. maybe ask yourself: why am I Iate?
We’re going to mess up. but we have such a tremendous capacity to do better and be better by the actions we take. doing the work is a process. It’s ongoing. It exists in several shapes and forms. Particularly right now, we must not move on, but we must move -through- this transformative time in order to see progress. And if you’re like me, it’s taking and will continue to take more effort than before. that is good. it often won’t feel good, though.
🔝 incredibly grateful for all Denver artists who are currently making our streets and public spaces better. thank you @zada_gallery_