in progress & solidarity: let's do better. no room for the 'ish
mural by @mad21aj x @zada_gallery | Denver, CO
Doing better has always been core to what Betterish is all about. Specifically in the last year, I’ve been building Betterish as a platform to creatively encourage and improve connections among human beings. Sure: the entry point has been pretty light. I love doing this utilizing art, the power of play, and inviting community participation in some unique and uplifting way.
When starting a business or any kind of entrepreneurial endeavor, you’re asked to examine the problem your product or service is trying to solve. For Betterish, it’s always been about addressing the fact that there exists a great disconnect and divide among the people that make up our country and wanting to close that gap by offering creative experiences that bring people together despite their differences. But what I’ve been afraid to explore and dig deeper into is the fact that this disconnect and divide exists greatly because of systemic racism.
In the past two weeks, I’ve been holding up a big fat magnifying glass up to my privilege and starting to unpack how I’ve benefited from systems and structures our country has been built upon, many being upheld on the ideals of white supremacy. This work is hard, it’s heavy and it certainly is not pretty.
Betterish is also rooted in the concept of acknowledging the small things that lead to a bigger impact, while also honoring the process over perfectionism. I’ve had to remind myself that as I’ve committed to doing daily work on being anti-racist. The steps I’ve been taking steps are far from being perfect, but effort, integration and learning is happening in new ways than before for me. At this point it feels performative to list every Black organization I’m supporting, every book I’ve purchased, podcast I’m listening to, and reflective exercise I’m doing to better understand why and how racism exists. So I ask: please reach out to me directly. I’d be happy to share and continue this conversation in a more personal format.
Speaking of conversations: a commitment I’ve made to myself is to have ongoing conversations in real time about racism. In doing so, I’m now offering Meetful Mondays: Let’s Talk About Race. There will be no experts in the room, but just everyday folks hoping to share, learn, unlearn and grow comfortable in the uncomfortable. I don't by any means consider myself an educator nor facilitator of this work, but a space maker to hold these important, meaningful, and necessary conversations. I also fully participate. I will be transparent in that I was nervous to shift from less playful to more productive this past week, but the participants helped co-create a safe, generous, brave space and we still got creative in our connecting.
Moving through these pivotal moments we’re currently in, as business and human being, I am fully committed to learning, growing and taking action. I’m holding space for pain, discomfort, and important conversations to be had so I can more boldly stand for racial inclusivity and racial justice. There’s a likely chance I will mess up along the way. Rather than letting that mistake stop me, I will allow that mistake to serve as a lesson and do better moving forward.
Here are a few ways you can show up with me:
· Join an upcoming Meetful Monday: Let’s Talk About Race
· Checkout the Betterish Anti-Racist Resource Room (an active work-in-progress and I’m updating it weekly)
To my BIPOC friends - I promise to keep going when the headlines and hashtags move on. I thank you for the work you’ve been doing even when you shouldn’t be the ones who have to do the work.
To my white friends – let’s continue to do better. No room for the ‘ish. Let’s continue to show up and do the work. There are so many resources to learn from, organizations to support, dialogues to be had, and actions to do. Reach out to me if you need help taking those initial steps.
In progress and solidarity,