The Great In Between, Part I: Replenish
The theme for January was to replenish.
Participants were prompted to take stock of what felt empty and what felt full. To curl up and carve time to charge those introspective batteries (tea, soup, comfy pants + cozy socks were further advised as key to this kind of cocooning care).
I shared how replenishment took on various shapes, forms, and frenzies for me personally...
One day it looked like sitting in a busy-buzzing coffee shop, thinking I would ~finally~ get time to reflect in my journal--only to find I left my headphones at home. My thought pattern when something like, “how the heck am I going to get into the zone…the flow state…I can’t focus. I feel so exposed.”
And then a human said, “Emily, right?”
It was someone who I met only once, four years ago during that one night I went roller skating here in Denver. They were wearing a sweatshirt with the embroidered words: “tender champion.” We ended up chatting and whoa jeeeez did I forget how good it was to just have a candid conversation with a mere acquaintance. It was only maybe six/seven minutes, but in that short time frame, we talked about everything from the importance of bright colors, therapy, favorite neighborhood spots, and what I was attempting to reflect upon in my notebook. After this exchange, my pen ran wild with words words and more words (sans headphones).
Another day, replenishment looked like finally stepping into a yoga studio since…July? Prior to that: well over a year. Or two? Pre-pademmy, I'll leave it at that.
Another moment was listening to my Discover Weekly last week and it was SOLID. Sometimes all it takes is good music to fill my cup.
On the weekends, it’s looked like cutting out recipes from The New York Times and taping them in a notebook. Our household is no good at meal prepping, but meal planning: we’re into it.
A warm cup of peach ginger tea in my favorite oversized tea-stained mug.
An early evening walk with my son bundled in the stroller because even though it’s been collld out here, the light is starting to linger just barely beyond 5:30pm and we’re taking it.
Closing a book and turning off the lights at 9:47pm. That’s what’s been replenishing me.
Here’s how it panned and plenished out for others:
“My moment of replenishment as of late is pretty simple, and it's more of a series of moments as it's not a short process. I made sourdough bread for the first time since I got pregnant in 2020. When I got pregnant during Covid I had a hard time finding my footing, and then of course after baby came I was lost to the wind. I had been making sourdough for years before that, for my family and to give away, and it always brought me a lot of joy. It was ‘me’ time. It felt creative and simple. I was reminded of how the old me felt during the process of mixing the dough, stretching and folding, and was so proud when I finally pulled two beautiful golden loaves out of the oven. I was happy that I made time for it in spite of an exhausting toddler running around my feet, and I was able to share it with my family, my best friend, and my in-laws, who all benefited from my baking for a long time before I quit. It brought me a lot of joy and filled me up. (Literally)” C, Denver CO
“I've been replenished by finally feeling really good spending time alone in my apartment. Since I moved to NYC I've had this constant feeling of needing to make friends, needing to go out, needing to make the most of living here…which is just exhausting. Recently I've really enjoyed my own company and solitude. I've been enjoying making tea, taking hot baths, and indulging in good TV. Working on being totally content where I am in the moment.” L, New York City
“To replenish is to restore what is needed to feel fluid in both body and mind. Replenish feels like getting three meals a day full of nutrients that the body needs and dancing until the heart feels full. To replenish feels like having the house cleaned (deeply) by someone else just once , then I can take over with the proper tools and a doable game plan. To replenish feels like having all three bank accounts above the redline. To replenish feels like going to bed at 10 PM or earlier and not feeling guilty. To replenish feels like being able to offer S a place to land guilt free and having the funds to culture adventure with her while she is here. To replenish feels like having a year of creating artwork with the intention of exploration not sales. To replenish feels like a full bottle of rose with friends with a beautiful sunset as background noise and a day to be lazy in a clean house afterwards. To replenish means to surrender to spirit when it comes to perimenopause and under stand that dance will be thy savior.” N, Carmel CA
“Spending time in nature and with lifelong best friends was medicine for my SOUL this month and reminded me the importance of both for replenishing my spirit” S, Philadelphia PA
“Replenish is one of my words for 2023, and with each word I think about how it interacts with all parts of my being: mind, body, heart, and spirit (or mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually). So, one piece is thinking about how I choose to replenish with food. I have never been great about creating time in my day for eating/cooking, so I am trying to be more intentional about this. One thing that I have fallen in love with this month is a Tahini Caesar Dressing. I make a batch of it and keep it in my fridge, as it is so delicious to dip veggies or pretzels or to drizzle over a salad. Eating it feels like replenishment! I got the recipe from Gaby Dalkin of What's Gaby Cooking? If you want to make a bigger batch, here is the recipe!” -K, Denver CO
“I realized how much more alone time I need, and how it can be hard for me to honour that/ask for it.” N, Turkiye
“These days, replenishment kinda feels like the end of the day when I shove oatmeal-encrusted plastic bowls into the dishwasher and run it. I set the coffee pot to “brew” in the morning. I’ve read all the books to the kids and made sure I have clean underwear for the morning and let the dog out to pee and wash my face and find my chapstick that always seems to be migrating from room to room. I know it’ll all have to cycle through again tomorrow. I know what I’ve done will be undone but when I pull the cold covers myself (at 8:45, let’s be honest) I’m relieved that a few things have been put back in place.
I worked at a frozen yogurt shop during high school. At the end of each shift, I used the silver scoop to fill granola and cookie dough and snow-caps and peanuts and rainbow sprinkles to the very brim and cover them with their respective lids. I used a small brush to sweep the excess from the counter to the floor, then sweep and mop. I’m assuming most of us have had those jobs and so most of us know the feeling. Sprinkles would be everywhere by noon tomorrow, but when I switched off the lights and locked the door it felt good to leave everything ‘replenished.’
It wasn’t soul-replenishing.
I wasn’t topping off my physical, mental, or emotional cup.
I’m not doing that now. There’s not time for it at this very moment.
But knowing the sprinkles are filled to the brim gives me enough courage to wake up and do it all over again tomorrow” O, Denver CO
“What replenishes me: drawing, painting, guitar, photography. The act of creating essentially. But not just creating, creating with other creatives. Like I went to a drum circle last weekend, and it felt so amazing to be making music again. There were maybe 15 of us.
As for food & beverage, my herbal teas. I really love to go to my local health food store (Sevananda), where they have something like 100-200 herbs in bulk bins, picking out one of them, and enjoying a tea in the morning. And then reading about the properties of that herb and what makes it so special or medicinal.
I think it's important to connect with the food and drink we ingest. There is something immensely nourishing about this, and if you can plant a seed in a garden, grow the herb, and harvest it, even better. I have learned that Native Americans typically make an offering to the plants/herbs they harvest. Indigenous peoples have a profound respect for what the Earth provides us.” G, Atlanta GA
Illustration by Jess, Denver CO
“My journal writing around this brought me to a truth: I can only think of two times in my entire life when I actively thought - and took steps - to replenish. And those two times were an act of desperation. Once after an excruciating professional experience where I went to Rancho La Puerta to try and heal; and the second, following the near loss of my mother (she is still alive) where I ran to the mountains and stared into a fireplace for 4 days. Other than that, beyond sitting on my meditation cushion each morning - which feels more like centering but can be seen as replenishment, I heretofore have not activated the concept of replenishing. In any event, thinking about this, together with being in an unexpected 'wintering' time in my life that has caught me totally off guard, I have now thoughtfully considered how to include replenishment in my life.” K, Denver CO
“My act of replenishment this month was to start a Bunco group with 12 lively ladies! It's a group that is mostly new to one another and was a replenishing energy of new friendships + play + laughter + conversation + good snacks/drinks!” K, Athens, GA
“I would call this solo writing at a cafe but i was not really solo :)” -N, Turkiye
“I just moved to Trinidad, Colorado! It was sort of a sudden move, wasn't sure I was actually going to do it, but my sister bought a beautiful building, so here I am, running an air b and b, with a studio in the garage. I have my own bathroom (which I have never had in my life) and it's amazing how just taking baths has made me feel so comforted and calm. I've been really trying to do my morning pages (via The Artists Way), and used The Great In Between prompts this morning. One of the things I wrote about was how I want this year to feel expansive. I am opening up to more possibilities than I previously allowed myself. Not being judgemental or categorical, just open…” R, Trinidad CO
“I have always been into reading books; cuddling on the couch or curling up in bed with a good book in the wintertime, or on the beach, in the sun in the summertime. But recently, with a change in medication, a bit of sciatica and an ambition to be physically healthier, I have not wanted to be still and stagnant for such long periods of time, even if it is a good story. What has been replenishing me currently is going on long walks with an audiobook playing in my headphones. It's only January and I have been through 2 audiobooks and my step count is high. I feel like I am getting to be outdoors, move my body and engage my mind in creative storytelling and it just is HITTING right now. I have never really listened to audiobooks or gone regularly on long walks, so its all a bit new, but it is replenishing me in more ways than I thought. After work when my brain and body are tired, I get a little pick me up doing this before dinner. Or when its nice outside on the weekend and I want to enjoy it, but don't have any plans. It feels like a little selfish, indulgent time just for me, but healthy and positive in my in-between time.” J, Santa Cruz CA
Photo: Anika, Seattle WA
“This month gave me a lot of grace, acceptance, and structure to name and reflect on the different in-between moments I've had throughout my life. It made me feel more present and responsible for whatever in-between I'm in right now. It's exciting, scary, good, stressful, fun, overwhelming, refreshing to take ownership of this in-between and I am rooting for myself to create something that feels like me :] A, California
“I have re-upped my workouts (thanks Supernatural on Occulus!), prepped for Februllage which just started today and is a whole month of creative replenishment, went on an actual VACATION somewhere outside the US and made a point to reach out to friends when I thought about them. I replenish by prioritizing things that I enjoy (reading/listening to good books, cooking good food, connecting with people I care about), finding ways to experience awe (got up skiing finally!) and flow (yay for a month of collage!).” M, Denver CO
“This is fitting very well with the Contemplative Living Experience 9-Month Program I started in September 2022. Centering Prayer is one of my key replenishing practices. We’re invited to sit in silence (center) for 20 minutes at least twice a day.
Since I’m able to work from home for the most part, I’m able to center in bed and in an old recliner in our basement. From the recliner, before I center, I look up through our window well to see the linden tree in our side yard.
B and I love words (we love to compare our Wordle results most days) and have reflected on the journal prompts and what replenishment means to us. We didn’t realize that ‘plenish’ is actually a word meaning ‘equip,’ so re-plenish means ‘re-equip’ or ‘re-stock.’
I associate the word with centering prayer which fills up my reservoir of peace, enabling me to deal with the chaos of life with as much equanimity as possible. Like the calm in the eye of a hurricane.” T, Arvada CO
“I kept my cup full by literally doing so - drinking lots of water and eating lots of good food - so that I could keep up a fun and intense exercise schedule, during which I exercised 25 days in the month of January 👊🏻💥😊” H, Brooklyn NY
“I really wanted to report that the thing that replenished me this month was finding a community choir to join that rehearses close to my home. I was singing in a women's choir in Boulder that I loved / are my people and it's been on hiatus since COVID. I tried a choir in Denver that was very fun and ultimately too casual for my taste and so had decided I would join the Arvada Chorale in order to meet people who lived closer to me. Last Monday I went to the first rehearsal and paid my dues and brought the music home's just not a good fit for me. So even though I know that signing replenishes me in a way that language does not, I'm still looking for the right place and people to sing with. So in the absence of a choir home, the thing that replenishes me pretty consistently is how my cat waits impatiently for me to sit down on the couch so he can sit on my lap while I drink my morning coffee” S, Golden CO
“Replenish means to put back general terms and off the top of my head...
A person can replenish the gas in the tank of a car, flowers in a vase, the water in the dog bowl etc... Things that are replenished are things that are needed. Plenish is to fill up. Re-plenish is to do it again...So things (objects or nontangible-s) that I replenish are positive and perhaps empty...
I feel pockets of emptiness. Who I used to be as a mother and as a teacher are over. Now, in saying that I am still a mother (of a 22 year old) I am not currently teaching. I could if I wanted to, however, I don't want to go back to the classroom. After twenty-three years I retired. What I seek is purpose. My relationship with my mother has felt less for several years now. I would not say empty... but not full. Tomorrow I leave on my first trip of I am sure many as I begin a new chapter in my life, ‘Taking Care of my Aging Parents’ During this short visit to check in and ask difficult questions and plant seeds of what comes next, I will look for ways in which I can reconnect with my mom. Our relationship will be and is different. I will look for joy, moments of laughter and relating in new and different ways.
Feeling full...I am full of hope in the opportunity for connection with my mother and I also feel full as I evolve as a mother to my own kid. He still needs me, just not to drop him off to football practice. I feel full in my present moment. Typing, learning growing. I feel full in my latest creative endeavors and having four photographs selected to be in two different shows. I am totally full of gratitude and GLEE I don't have to take time off from work and make lesson plans before I hop in the car tomorrow to go see my mom. There is no good time to have health problems, but while I am not working is a convenient one for sure. My marriage feels full. I have plenty of time to dote on my husband and make fancy meals. I even ironed yesterday. UGH. I hate ironing. But, I had time and man was he happy to see a closet full of crispy shirts. Did I mention this one pony town I live in has no drycleaners? While I love NM, and I am glad to be back there are a few draw backs to living in the land of enchantment.” A, Silver City NM
“I am replenishing a relationship”
“An excerpt from the book A Path With Heart…a meditation and mantra for myself and to share out with the world:
‘May I be filled with loving kindness.
May I be well.
May I be peaceful and at ease.
May I be happy.’ -Jack Kornfield
A, Denver CO
Photo: Amy, California
“I have been thinking about the idea of replenishing important relationships and others. A relationship doesn’t last of only one person is rowing the boat. You have to replenish the other person and the relationship for it to thrive. Sometimes we focus on replenishing ourselves, but it’s also important to do so for others we care about.” M, Mason OH
“Replenish has meant quitting something! I decided this month that after doing 12 years of CrossFit, that I wanted exercise that allowed me to connect more with my body, rather than resent it for not being able to do what I could do at the height of my fitness. I’ve been stretching more, and trying yoga and kickboxing.
I’ve also been working on embracing and inviting all kinds of new love into my life. For a lot of my life, I feel like I’ve been guarding my heart from potential rejections, but in exchange, I think I have missed out on a lot of good. This month I’ve been reminded a few times that being open to new people and experiences are sometimes scary, but worth it.” I, Santa Cruz CA
Photos: Hadley, Denver CO